Over on Wonkette, folks are talking about their plans for the day, and how after the Dobbs decision on Roe v Wade, they aren’t celebrating, or are celebrating differently. One said:

I ain’t feeling it today. Ask the uterus-havers in your vicinity how free they’re feeling these days.

I thought about it for a bit before choosing to reply. In about an hour, I’m heading out to socialize with some new acquaintances and watch a small parade from their front yard. And I won’t be the debbie-downer at their gathering. But still it’s mixed. So I replied:

Speaking as a uterus haver, though not a particularly productive one anymore, I’m split on all this. On the one hand, a pit of red-hot fury is rumbling at my core 24/7. On the other hand, the ideals of liberty still move me, like they’ve moved people for hundreds of years now.

So, today I stand with a foot in each camp, resolute in my fury, and committed to moving forward as much as I am able, and as much as I’m able to help others, attain their independence and self-determination.

It’s a big day in one of the little towns I live between, probably our biggest tourism day of the entire year. I’m going to focus on what I want for myself and my fellow citizens, watch our itsy bitsy parade (which is very queer-positive, so that helps), eat some hotdogs, hang with friends, and stand strong for the fight we are all facing. It’s the only way I know how to do this without melting into that pit of fury.

I feel so grim. I’ve felt this way since Trump won, but even then, it wasn’t a new feeling. Awful, awful things happen in our world all the goddam time, and I’m powerless to stop almost all of it. What I can do is keep the faith, tell the truth, stand by those near me. So that’s what I do, and I’ll keep doing it as long as I can.

And at least there’s this, the whacky, wonderful Yachats La De Da parade (2014)